One does not have the luxury of repeating surveys when a mistake is made - it must be right the first time.
Customer Relations - The marketing research company is positioned between its client and survey respondents (customers, suppliers, or employees). We recognize the importance of this precarious position. The quality of our surveys and our customer-facing processes are aimed at providing respondents with a positive experience - an experience that reflects positively on our clients.
Maximizing Yield - A primary risk is lack of participation. The purpose of our participation program is to maximize survey yield, or the percentage of invited respondents that take a survey. Our program is working. We are achieving a yield of 18 to 25 percent on external surveys and 25 to 60 percent on internal surveys. We achieved an astonishing yield of 66 percent on a recent internal employee motivation and retention survey.
Actionable Results - A successful survey project is not just a matter of crafting a questionnaire and then asking the questions. The first step in good survey design is deciding what you want to learn from the survey and how you will find your answers from the information you gather. Survey results must drive both global and local action plans to optimize improvement in your products and services and retention of high-value employees.