understanding stakeholders' needs and opinions through research.

Humes Systems Inc. is a marketing research and consulting firm focused on understanding stakeholder satisfaction in pursuit of growing your market share and revenue. We possess extensive knowledge of the information technology and oil & gas industries.

Satisfied customers are more likely to do business with your firm in the future. They solicit others to do business with you and their recommendations dwarf your advertising costs. Satisfied customers are willing to pay a premium for products and services from companies that have a reputation for high quality and excellent customer service. Sales, support, and warranty expenses are less for high satisfaction companies.

Disengaged employees and a high turnover rate impact your company's productivity, level of innovation, and profitability.

Suppliers can turn into partners, helping you cut costs and improve product designs and service offerings. On the other hand, dissatisfied suppliers are less likely to help you when you are in a bind. Often they "get even" by demanding a higher margin for their products and services.

Humes Systems Inc. partners with our clients to provide...

  • Survey systems tailored to your organization, operational requirements, and business rules.
  • Processes that maximize connectivity with your customers yielding high participation rates
  • "What are my results?" Analysis Systems aimed at identifying actionable results at all corners of the organization so action plans can be optimized locally.